Monday, May 31, 2010

I had an amazing thing happen!!!

I have suffered with chronic diarrhea for 30 years. Doctors never found anything my colonoscopies are always good. Well I started eating 4-5 servings of fruit each day and eating it alone (Pam sent me info from the web) and having that the first thing each morning, I didn't desire coffee. I have been coffee-free for a month and NO MORE DIARRHEA!!! unbelievable. I'm sure that some food may still cause it occasionally but I feel like I've been let out of jail!!!And I don't even miss the coffee. Praise God! All good things come from God. I'm sure he removed the desire for coffee because He knows that's what I needed to do to be well. It's an answer to prayer.

5/30/10 Swam 6 laps

I've been taking fish oil Omega 3 and I believe that has stopped my leg cramps, it always happened when I'd point my toes. So I plan to swim a lot this summer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Corky my beautiful boy 16 1994-2010

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Sally my beautiful girl 15 1994-2009

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I'm feeling so good these days. I got a megadose of vit D from my doctor and my energy level is way up there.
5/25/10 I walked 2-1/2 miles today

Saturday, May 22, 2010

5/22/10 Walked 1 mile

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5/20/10 drove my car into a building today

Saturday, May 15, 2010

5/15/10 Walked 1 mile

about 8 am and went to the Women's breakfast at church. Got home about 12:20 and Donna came over about 2 and we had a nice salad down at the pool. Oh year! got to tell the kids the pool is warmer now. Let the games begin.

Friday, May 14, 2010

5/9/10 Mother's Day

I told the children that had small children to enjoy the day with them and we could get together next Sunday (I'm no dummy, I get two movies that way :).

Annette called me and said "you're going with me to brunch and a movie. Get ready I'll pick you up at 10!" Like she had to insist; I'm always ready to eat and see a movie. We had a really nice time. Pamela joined us for the movie, "Shutter Island" and she took me home.

5/12/10 Walked 1 mile

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5/7/10 My ONE YEAR anniversary in my new home.

Can you believe it? A wonderful year with my new home, my wonderful children and grandchildren..God is certainly blessing me.

5/7/10 Went to visit Andrea

Ray's daughter, her Mother died wednesday of congestive heart failure, suddenly and instantly in the home. She fell to her face and the blood settled there making her face all purple. Horrifying and Andrea's daughter (Ava, 6) found her that way. I went to see Andrea today to give support and was relieved to hear that Ava was happy to go to school the next day for special events were happening, so to me that means she didn't go into shock or experience trauma. God is so good.

My Mother died at age 83

of Lung Cancer. She hadn't smoked in 43 years. Lee smoked in the house and in the car so there you go.

My Father died at age 50

of a sudden instant death stroke. He had recently had a full check up, whatever that meant in Rural Oregon 1958.

Sinus Infection

My sinuses remain delightfully clear and it's only been a few days. I can't wait for the end of the month of treatment.

I write about these things so you, my children, will have any info that may be pertinent to your future care.."Did your family ever have...."

5/6/10 I worked all day on my bookkeeping chores

I had to plow through a stack of CASH REGISTER RECEIPTS 7" deep. Ugly But it's done! whew.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I feel better already!!

The Ear, Nose and Throat doctor gave me antibiotics for my Sinus infection (which I didn't know I had; had it for years)I argued with him about it, but he prevailed..."If you want to see me, you will do what I say!" sheez. I would have stormed out of there but if he was right?? I'm going to his partner though for my 1 month check up. That'll show em. Ha Ha

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th Walked 2 miles today

I walked a mile to Pam's salon, but then I walked the full circle of that hospital 3-1/2 times so I'm counting that. It got really hot so I'm going to have to switch to walking about 5 or 6pm

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2 Walked 1 mile

Got it done.

Sunday 5/2/10

I walked a lot on Friday so missed my formal walk, but will pick up today as soon as it cools off; probably about 6pm. Feeling really good; I think it's all the fruit I'm eating. There's no one to tell you, unless they are selling something and you can't trust what they say, huh? You just have to keep trying things til it works.

Saturday 5/1/10

I took Catie out to the Silva's and got to check on Mari. She had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and while she's not real happy, she is doing really well. I was so happy to see that. Alicia took her to the surgeon and back; thanks Alicia, from the mama. We watched The Young Victoria and I got home about 8pm

Jeez, where have the days gone?

Friday, I went to work with Pam in her salon and then did some of my bookkeeping work. About 4 I went over to Tim's and typed in his list of names and phone numbers into his laptop. Anybody else need help, call me.