Friday, July 30, 2010

Hi My MRI came out negative

for any scary disease. I have some atrophy of the brain (no more laughing at Mom :0) which is normal for my age. So my whole body is driving me crazy, but I'm as healthy as....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Babysitting the Silvas

Now that Alicia is no longer with them they need some help when the kids are off track. So I've been out that 2-3 days a week and Mari gets home so early we play the afternoons away. We went to the movies Tuesday night and saw Sorcerer's Apprentice. It's a great movie, Totally a must see.

Too much medical stuff

It seems like all I do lately is go to doctors. It's great though, my doctor is sending me to a lot of specialists and I'm getting help for some inconsequential stuff and some very important stuff.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I had an MRI

I asked for an EEG and the doctor sent me for an MRI. It was easy enough; it was the open kind (not a tube) but the hard part was laying still for so long. The tech didn't tell me I could move when the machine was quiet until after I moved in the last phase and had to redo a 6 min test. I was not thrilled I wanted out of that machine! They put your head in a (for lack of a better word) vise. and it was too hot for me just having something on my head. You know me and "too hot." But it wouldn't be a problem for a normal person.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Medical record

July 13th it was a check back at the urologist. He has me taking pills to stimulate my bladder because it is too much residual urine after I go to the bathroom. I believe it is the result of my hysterectomy and the fact that I had to wear a catheter for a week to 10 days indicates that.(of course doctors won't say that) Turns out its getting worse. retaining half again as much as when I started. So, I have to use a catheter to empty my bladder in hopes it will rehabilitate itself. The alternative is it will just shut down and I will have to wear a permanent catheter. Keep me in your prayers

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My car is working great

Thanks again Howey.

Water Babies

On Wednesday the Silvas, Kassy, Jacob and Luke, came over and swam while waiting for their Mom to get off work. They are like porpoises; love the water in fact all of my grandkids do. On Thursday the Lopezes, Emma, Frankie and Tallulah, came while Mom and Dad prepared for a backpacking trip. It's hard to get these kids out of the pool. :0)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Had a Wonderful Birthday

As always my children were wonderful to me. I got flowers, a visa card, movie tickets, a tower fan, and hubcaps for my car. Wow, then they took me to lunch at Wabi Sabi. What fun that is. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to one ever since Beni Hanas opened...50 years? Thanks my children. Love you, Mom

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My car is repaired

Thank God for Howey, a friend from our church, who does car repairs in our compassion ministry. He also looks for repairs now while he is looking for work. He is very honest and reasonable and I heartily recommend him.

My car needed a new starter and he took mine out and had it tested, when it showed it was no good, he purchased one reasonably and put it in.