Monday, August 16, 2010

Swam some laps today

I went back and forth 6 times...I think that's 3 laps, right? It was pretty easy. My legs cramped a little but I kept going and they stopped. Yea! I've been having trouble walking so I decided to swim and use the spa.

Don't know where I've been

my computer has been shutting down a lot so that's probably what made me forget my blog.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I left my AC on

Although I've been wanting to try that at a steady level, this wasn't. It was on until 1am and I had to wear sweats to bed. HA HA HA (until I get my bill)

Thursday Annette came over

and brought me my Herbalife shakes and I'm using a new antidepressant the one i've been using causes weight gain; the worst one. So I'm going to get some of this weight off!

We had a nice visit and we have to do that more often. I get alone time with all of you as much as possible; that's the only way to really connect.

I went to Lunch with a girlfriend!?!?!

Wow, I haven't had a girlfriend for 2-3 years. It was a lot of fun. Her name is Midge and we met at our mutual ENT and had a fun conversation and decided to meet for lunch. She is a coupon lady and we had lunch 2 for 1 and we are going to go to movies etc with coupons too. She is a very young 88 and dresses beautifully, and her daughter is 71, looking forward to meeting her.