Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 28 I made up for Tuesday today!!

First, Corky is gone now, same as Sally. I'm fine and life should get easier. He was a blessing, that little guy, but the last year he got really aggressive and you can't clean up all that mess behind a screaming, biting beast. Remember him fondly please.

That said, I loaded up his cage into my car trunk! Took it to the pet store in San Dimas, sold it. Then went to meet Tim at his house. From there we went to pick up Jimmy from school and headed on over to Burbank to pick up my new couch. I LOVE IT!! Well we had to wait until 8pm to pick it up so we went to IKEA and had Swedish Meat Balls (yum) then we walked the store and enjoyed all the pretties. I had my shape ups on. We finally loaded up the couch and headed home, stopped at Tim's for the furniture dolly, went to my home and Tim unloaded the couch and wheeled it to my place and I helped him get it through the door and situated. It looks beautiful just like a "regular" persons front room.

I didn't get finished until 10pm. I soaked in the tub and collapsed on my bed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, mom you weren't kidding about all the changes!! I will definitely remember Corky fondly - I never did touch those red feathers! Love you!

