Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Again, God is so good

Because I came home Tuesday, when Billie called and said she needs help Wed and Thurs, I was happy to say I will be able to sit with the girls for her.

Went to Silvas to watch kids

Alicia is packing like crazy so now Marti never knows when she will be there. I went Sunday night to babysit Monday-Wed. Then Mari said that Alex talked to his Mom and she said she would be there Wed so Mari brought me home Tuesday. Since it was Jacob's 9th birthday day, we all went to see Toy Story 3, really good; held our interest the whole time.

Car stopped again???!!

Praise God I have a friend from church that is going to check my starter and if it's the problem he will replace it. Wednesday I hope. I only have to pay for the part. God is so good.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

4Th of July Whoo Hooo

Each year the city of Corona has a 4th of July carnival, fireworks and all, it's bing and a lot of fun. Going with Marti and the Lopez and Pam

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Car works again!!!???

When the car started finally on Sunday I drove it to Adan's house so I could get someone to work on it there (can't do that in my complex) and also so I could use Adan's truck while he is on vacation. When I parked the car there, I put it front end out in case it needed a jump again, but I neglected to note that there is a small incline. I wanted to see if it would start again and it did. hmmmm. Howey goes to my church and has volunteered to help with small repairs. He came over Tues morning and of course it was trying to turn over but in all the drama Sunday I forgot I was driving on fumes (I know, I know; I promised myself to never let it go below 1/2 tank, but I'm broke at the end of the month) and on the incline it couldn't get that last bit of gasoline and couldn't start. Howey, bless his heart, wouldn't have it any other way but that we go to my house, get my gas can, fill it up and put it in my car. It started right up then. So he said to drive it and if it stopped on me again to call him and he would rescue me. God bless him. It's doing fine now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well I had an interesting (?) day. I came out of church and my car just clicked faintly instead of turning over. I called for a tow and sat down to wait. This young lady sat down beside me and i asked her if she was going to keep me company She said "yes she hates to wait alone, my name is Elise." we sat for an hour or more in her car in the shade..mine was in full sun until the guy came to jump start it. Over and over he tried no dice. Then he sat in my car and turned the key a thousand times and got out and called for his tow truck, sat back down turned the key and it started. Good grief. We were jumping up and down i thanked him profusely and I drove off. Whew! God sent me company and a man that didn't give up yaaaaay

Friday, June 18, 2010

Annette's Birthday fun

Annette was coming to meet me at my house and she didn't get there for a long while. She called and I said "what'd you do fall in?" LOL She had forgotten where her mother lives and was down by the 10 fwy on Grand. So we agreed to meet at the Chino Saver and just before I got there she called and said it is out of business. So after we were finished crying we agreed to meet at the Harkins and she said we could eat at a BBQ place by the theatre. Before I got there she called and said they are out of business too. Cheeez So I got off of the freeway and looked for the theatre but not there. I called Annette and said "Now I am lost." I had taken the wrong exit. So I doubled back and we were going to check out a italian restaurant there and upon reaching it.... you got it! It was out of business. We ended up at Zpizza and had a lovely dinner. We saw "The Prince of Persia." It was really good; Jake was darling in it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stopped and visited Candice and Jim

They live in Hesperia so it was only 5 minutes from my route and I stopped on the way home. We had a great visit she has 2 pomeranians now and they are darling. She is writing some childrens books that teach and/or share life experiences and they are really cute. She's never done anything like this and the stories just come to her..we praised God for this we know He is leading her. Pray for her.

Went to Lucerne Valley 75 miles one way

My great little car ran up there like a dream. God blessed me with that car. I went through the rest of our stuff that Judy packed up for me from the Big Bear house and brought a few things home, like the heated mattress pad and my sleeping bag. When are we going camping kids??? Judy has 2 Great Danes, brindle, as gentle and a kitten. One of them got sliced by something, someone. Poor boy they have to keep him locked up so it will heal.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Got my new glasses

I told the girl I needed something contemporary and she said these are the ones. Everybody likes them so far. I like them too.

Took a week off from walking

I've been really beat. I'll resume tomorrow. I think it was sleeping on a different bed that caused my pain. no more excuses now, back to it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Babysitting a dog?

Yep, I'm out at Mari's babysitting Lulu. Trying to break her in slowly to being alone 6 hours a day while Mari works. She is so cute. Such a pup, only 3-4 months old and she buries her chew sticks. Such an industrious little girl. It's a lot of fun. Don't worry Max Gammy still loves you.
walked 1 mile, but it darn near killed me. Don't know why my legs and hips really hurt. Gonna wait until I get home to walk again.

Monday, June 7, 2010

walked 1.3 miles

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Had a Great Birthday Party for Megan 21

Oskar set up a pool and the kids went crazy. Swam until 8:30 brrrrr. Jose, Megan's boyfriend, Made Carne Asada and chicken and Mari brought Rice and Annette brought beans Pamela made her fruit salad. After dinner and swimming we all sat around a fire and made smores. Tons of fun

6/5/10 Had my Physical exam

Everything is good. Doc is sending me to a neurologist for an EEG (brain scan) because of the zinging I have in my head. She thought it would be wise to be safe rather than sorry. She is ordering a bone density scan also. She is taking such good care of me. Praise God.

6/4/10 Walked 1 mile

In the cool of the evening. Tim suggested instead of 2 miles 3xweek, I walk a mile every day to jump start my metabolism. I want to start Monday 6/7/10. I definitely need a jump start. I've been kind of droopy this past 3 days. There's been a lot of stress but I had my physical Saturday morning and found out I was supposed to take the Vitamin D megadose one more month. I'm getting a refill Monday am I'll walk there and back.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

6/3/10 Bill Woods' Funeral

It was a beautiful service. Tony did the Eulogy and sang a song that Bill liked. It was wonderfully done. Billie and Heidi each said something for their Dad. Bye for now Bill, we'll see you in paradise

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/2/10 Walked 2 miles the hard way

I walked to an eye doctor appointment at 9:30 figured I'd be home by 11 or so, but no. I didn't get out of the office until noon and then finished my walk home in the hottest part of the day. Thank heavens it wasn't a scorcher, huh?