Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Car works again!!!???

When the car started finally on Sunday I drove it to Adan's house so I could get someone to work on it there (can't do that in my complex) and also so I could use Adan's truck while he is on vacation. When I parked the car there, I put it front end out in case it needed a jump again, but I neglected to note that there is a small incline. I wanted to see if it would start again and it did. hmmmm. Howey goes to my church and has volunteered to help with small repairs. He came over Tues morning and of course it was trying to turn over but in all the drama Sunday I forgot I was driving on fumes (I know, I know; I promised myself to never let it go below 1/2 tank, but I'm broke at the end of the month) and on the incline it couldn't get that last bit of gasoline and couldn't start. Howey, bless his heart, wouldn't have it any other way but that we go to my house, get my gas can, fill it up and put it in my car. It started right up then. So he said to drive it and if it stopped on me again to call him and he would rescue me. God bless him. It's doing fine now.

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