Friday, December 17, 2010

I went to a closing market yesterday and bought $150 worth of good foodstuff for $75. :)
I just finished an audiobook book of 100 CDs only to find there's yet another one. 36 more CDs these people and I are family now :)
-Sent from Norene with Textfree

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My fingernails are still there

and they feel so strong. Makes me so happy to look at them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My fingernails are GROWING.

I can't believe it The only time I had nails over 3 days was when I was pregnant. No worries on that score. I've been taking a lot of vitamins for a long time now, I think that's it. Yippee

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I've been locked out

Sorry no posts lately, I couldn't access my blog. I've got it now....HAH, I hope.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

MRI? Piece of cake

Just kept my eyes closed took 20 min and I was done.

Going for another MRI

This one will be in the tube kind. It will be different from the last one which was open. We'll see what happens. This one is to check my bladder. I'm sure everything will be fine! Again! But it will show if something can be corrected.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Swam some laps today

I went back and forth 6 times...I think that's 3 laps, right? It was pretty easy. My legs cramped a little but I kept going and they stopped. Yea! I've been having trouble walking so I decided to swim and use the spa.

Don't know where I've been

my computer has been shutting down a lot so that's probably what made me forget my blog.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I left my AC on

Although I've been wanting to try that at a steady level, this wasn't. It was on until 1am and I had to wear sweats to bed. HA HA HA (until I get my bill)

Thursday Annette came over

and brought me my Herbalife shakes and I'm using a new antidepressant the one i've been using causes weight gain; the worst one. So I'm going to get some of this weight off!

We had a nice visit and we have to do that more often. I get alone time with all of you as much as possible; that's the only way to really connect.

I went to Lunch with a girlfriend!?!?!

Wow, I haven't had a girlfriend for 2-3 years. It was a lot of fun. Her name is Midge and we met at our mutual ENT and had a fun conversation and decided to meet for lunch. She is a coupon lady and we had lunch 2 for 1 and we are going to go to movies etc with coupons too. She is a very young 88 and dresses beautifully, and her daughter is 71, looking forward to meeting her.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hi My MRI came out negative

for any scary disease. I have some atrophy of the brain (no more laughing at Mom :0) which is normal for my age. So my whole body is driving me crazy, but I'm as healthy as....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Babysitting the Silvas

Now that Alicia is no longer with them they need some help when the kids are off track. So I've been out that 2-3 days a week and Mari gets home so early we play the afternoons away. We went to the movies Tuesday night and saw Sorcerer's Apprentice. It's a great movie, Totally a must see.

Too much medical stuff

It seems like all I do lately is go to doctors. It's great though, my doctor is sending me to a lot of specialists and I'm getting help for some inconsequential stuff and some very important stuff.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I had an MRI

I asked for an EEG and the doctor sent me for an MRI. It was easy enough; it was the open kind (not a tube) but the hard part was laying still for so long. The tech didn't tell me I could move when the machine was quiet until after I moved in the last phase and had to redo a 6 min test. I was not thrilled I wanted out of that machine! They put your head in a (for lack of a better word) vise. and it was too hot for me just having something on my head. You know me and "too hot." But it wouldn't be a problem for a normal person.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Medical record

July 13th it was a check back at the urologist. He has me taking pills to stimulate my bladder because it is too much residual urine after I go to the bathroom. I believe it is the result of my hysterectomy and the fact that I had to wear a catheter for a week to 10 days indicates that.(of course doctors won't say that) Turns out its getting worse. retaining half again as much as when I started. So, I have to use a catheter to empty my bladder in hopes it will rehabilitate itself. The alternative is it will just shut down and I will have to wear a permanent catheter. Keep me in your prayers

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My car is working great

Thanks again Howey.

Water Babies

On Wednesday the Silvas, Kassy, Jacob and Luke, came over and swam while waiting for their Mom to get off work. They are like porpoises; love the water in fact all of my grandkids do. On Thursday the Lopezes, Emma, Frankie and Tallulah, came while Mom and Dad prepared for a backpacking trip. It's hard to get these kids out of the pool. :0)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Had a Wonderful Birthday

As always my children were wonderful to me. I got flowers, a visa card, movie tickets, a tower fan, and hubcaps for my car. Wow, then they took me to lunch at Wabi Sabi. What fun that is. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to one ever since Beni Hanas opened...50 years? Thanks my children. Love you, Mom

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My car is repaired

Thank God for Howey, a friend from our church, who does car repairs in our compassion ministry. He also looks for repairs now while he is looking for work. He is very honest and reasonable and I heartily recommend him.

My car needed a new starter and he took mine out and had it tested, when it showed it was no good, he purchased one reasonably and put it in.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Again, God is so good

Because I came home Tuesday, when Billie called and said she needs help Wed and Thurs, I was happy to say I will be able to sit with the girls for her.

Went to Silvas to watch kids

Alicia is packing like crazy so now Marti never knows when she will be there. I went Sunday night to babysit Monday-Wed. Then Mari said that Alex talked to his Mom and she said she would be there Wed so Mari brought me home Tuesday. Since it was Jacob's 9th birthday day, we all went to see Toy Story 3, really good; held our interest the whole time.

Car stopped again???!!

Praise God I have a friend from church that is going to check my starter and if it's the problem he will replace it. Wednesday I hope. I only have to pay for the part. God is so good.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

4Th of July Whoo Hooo

Each year the city of Corona has a 4th of July carnival, fireworks and all, it's bing and a lot of fun. Going with Marti and the Lopez and Pam

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Car works again!!!???

When the car started finally on Sunday I drove it to Adan's house so I could get someone to work on it there (can't do that in my complex) and also so I could use Adan's truck while he is on vacation. When I parked the car there, I put it front end out in case it needed a jump again, but I neglected to note that there is a small incline. I wanted to see if it would start again and it did. hmmmm. Howey goes to my church and has volunteered to help with small repairs. He came over Tues morning and of course it was trying to turn over but in all the drama Sunday I forgot I was driving on fumes (I know, I know; I promised myself to never let it go below 1/2 tank, but I'm broke at the end of the month) and on the incline it couldn't get that last bit of gasoline and couldn't start. Howey, bless his heart, wouldn't have it any other way but that we go to my house, get my gas can, fill it up and put it in my car. It started right up then. So he said to drive it and if it stopped on me again to call him and he would rescue me. God bless him. It's doing fine now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well I had an interesting (?) day. I came out of church and my car just clicked faintly instead of turning over. I called for a tow and sat down to wait. This young lady sat down beside me and i asked her if she was going to keep me company She said "yes she hates to wait alone, my name is Elise." we sat for an hour or more in her car in the shade..mine was in full sun until the guy came to jump start it. Over and over he tried no dice. Then he sat in my car and turned the key a thousand times and got out and called for his tow truck, sat back down turned the key and it started. Good grief. We were jumping up and down i thanked him profusely and I drove off. Whew! God sent me company and a man that didn't give up yaaaaay

Friday, June 18, 2010

Annette's Birthday fun

Annette was coming to meet me at my house and she didn't get there for a long while. She called and I said "what'd you do fall in?" LOL She had forgotten where her mother lives and was down by the 10 fwy on Grand. So we agreed to meet at the Chino Saver and just before I got there she called and said it is out of business. So after we were finished crying we agreed to meet at the Harkins and she said we could eat at a BBQ place by the theatre. Before I got there she called and said they are out of business too. Cheeez So I got off of the freeway and looked for the theatre but not there. I called Annette and said "Now I am lost." I had taken the wrong exit. So I doubled back and we were going to check out a italian restaurant there and upon reaching it.... you got it! It was out of business. We ended up at Zpizza and had a lovely dinner. We saw "The Prince of Persia." It was really good; Jake was darling in it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stopped and visited Candice and Jim

They live in Hesperia so it was only 5 minutes from my route and I stopped on the way home. We had a great visit she has 2 pomeranians now and they are darling. She is writing some childrens books that teach and/or share life experiences and they are really cute. She's never done anything like this and the stories just come to her..we praised God for this we know He is leading her. Pray for her.

Went to Lucerne Valley 75 miles one way

My great little car ran up there like a dream. God blessed me with that car. I went through the rest of our stuff that Judy packed up for me from the Big Bear house and brought a few things home, like the heated mattress pad and my sleeping bag. When are we going camping kids??? Judy has 2 Great Danes, brindle, as gentle and a kitten. One of them got sliced by something, someone. Poor boy they have to keep him locked up so it will heal.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Got my new glasses

I told the girl I needed something contemporary and she said these are the ones. Everybody likes them so far. I like them too.

Took a week off from walking

I've been really beat. I'll resume tomorrow. I think it was sleeping on a different bed that caused my pain. no more excuses now, back to it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Babysitting a dog?

Yep, I'm out at Mari's babysitting Lulu. Trying to break her in slowly to being alone 6 hours a day while Mari works. She is so cute. Such a pup, only 3-4 months old and she buries her chew sticks. Such an industrious little girl. It's a lot of fun. Don't worry Max Gammy still loves you.
walked 1 mile, but it darn near killed me. Don't know why my legs and hips really hurt. Gonna wait until I get home to walk again.

Monday, June 7, 2010

walked 1.3 miles

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Had a Great Birthday Party for Megan 21

Oskar set up a pool and the kids went crazy. Swam until 8:30 brrrrr. Jose, Megan's boyfriend, Made Carne Asada and chicken and Mari brought Rice and Annette brought beans Pamela made her fruit salad. After dinner and swimming we all sat around a fire and made smores. Tons of fun

6/5/10 Had my Physical exam

Everything is good. Doc is sending me to a neurologist for an EEG (brain scan) because of the zinging I have in my head. She thought it would be wise to be safe rather than sorry. She is ordering a bone density scan also. She is taking such good care of me. Praise God.

6/4/10 Walked 1 mile

In the cool of the evening. Tim suggested instead of 2 miles 3xweek, I walk a mile every day to jump start my metabolism. I want to start Monday 6/7/10. I definitely need a jump start. I've been kind of droopy this past 3 days. There's been a lot of stress but I had my physical Saturday morning and found out I was supposed to take the Vitamin D megadose one more month. I'm getting a refill Monday am I'll walk there and back.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

6/3/10 Bill Woods' Funeral

It was a beautiful service. Tony did the Eulogy and sang a song that Bill liked. It was wonderfully done. Billie and Heidi each said something for their Dad. Bye for now Bill, we'll see you in paradise

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/2/10 Walked 2 miles the hard way

I walked to an eye doctor appointment at 9:30 figured I'd be home by 11 or so, but no. I didn't get out of the office until noon and then finished my walk home in the hottest part of the day. Thank heavens it wasn't a scorcher, huh?

Monday, May 31, 2010

I had an amazing thing happen!!!

I have suffered with chronic diarrhea for 30 years. Doctors never found anything my colonoscopies are always good. Well I started eating 4-5 servings of fruit each day and eating it alone (Pam sent me info from the web) and having that the first thing each morning, I didn't desire coffee. I have been coffee-free for a month and NO MORE DIARRHEA!!! unbelievable. I'm sure that some food may still cause it occasionally but I feel like I've been let out of jail!!!And I don't even miss the coffee. Praise God! All good things come from God. I'm sure he removed the desire for coffee because He knows that's what I needed to do to be well. It's an answer to prayer.

5/30/10 Swam 6 laps

I've been taking fish oil Omega 3 and I believe that has stopped my leg cramps, it always happened when I'd point my toes. So I plan to swim a lot this summer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Corky my beautiful boy 16 1994-2010

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Sally my beautiful girl 15 1994-2009

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I'm feeling so good these days. I got a megadose of vit D from my doctor and my energy level is way up there.
5/25/10 I walked 2-1/2 miles today

Saturday, May 22, 2010

5/22/10 Walked 1 mile

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5/20/10 drove my car into a building today

Saturday, May 15, 2010

5/15/10 Walked 1 mile

about 8 am and went to the Women's breakfast at church. Got home about 12:20 and Donna came over about 2 and we had a nice salad down at the pool. Oh year! got to tell the kids the pool is warmer now. Let the games begin.

Friday, May 14, 2010

5/9/10 Mother's Day

I told the children that had small children to enjoy the day with them and we could get together next Sunday (I'm no dummy, I get two movies that way :).

Annette called me and said "you're going with me to brunch and a movie. Get ready I'll pick you up at 10!" Like she had to insist; I'm always ready to eat and see a movie. We had a really nice time. Pamela joined us for the movie, "Shutter Island" and she took me home.

5/12/10 Walked 1 mile

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5/7/10 My ONE YEAR anniversary in my new home.

Can you believe it? A wonderful year with my new home, my wonderful children and grandchildren..God is certainly blessing me.

5/7/10 Went to visit Andrea

Ray's daughter, her Mother died wednesday of congestive heart failure, suddenly and instantly in the home. She fell to her face and the blood settled there making her face all purple. Horrifying and Andrea's daughter (Ava, 6) found her that way. I went to see Andrea today to give support and was relieved to hear that Ava was happy to go to school the next day for special events were happening, so to me that means she didn't go into shock or experience trauma. God is so good.

My Mother died at age 83

of Lung Cancer. She hadn't smoked in 43 years. Lee smoked in the house and in the car so there you go.

My Father died at age 50

of a sudden instant death stroke. He had recently had a full check up, whatever that meant in Rural Oregon 1958.

Sinus Infection

My sinuses remain delightfully clear and it's only been a few days. I can't wait for the end of the month of treatment.

I write about these things so you, my children, will have any info that may be pertinent to your future care.."Did your family ever have...."

5/6/10 I worked all day on my bookkeeping chores

I had to plow through a stack of CASH REGISTER RECEIPTS 7" deep. Ugly But it's done! whew.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I feel better already!!

The Ear, Nose and Throat doctor gave me antibiotics for my Sinus infection (which I didn't know I had; had it for years)I argued with him about it, but he prevailed..."If you want to see me, you will do what I say!" sheez. I would have stormed out of there but if he was right?? I'm going to his partner though for my 1 month check up. That'll show em. Ha Ha

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th Walked 2 miles today

I walked a mile to Pam's salon, but then I walked the full circle of that hospital 3-1/2 times so I'm counting that. It got really hot so I'm going to have to switch to walking about 5 or 6pm

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2 Walked 1 mile

Got it done.

Sunday 5/2/10

I walked a lot on Friday so missed my formal walk, but will pick up today as soon as it cools off; probably about 6pm. Feeling really good; I think it's all the fruit I'm eating. There's no one to tell you, unless they are selling something and you can't trust what they say, huh? You just have to keep trying things til it works.

Saturday 5/1/10

I took Catie out to the Silva's and got to check on Mari. She had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and while she's not real happy, she is doing really well. I was so happy to see that. Alicia took her to the surgeon and back; thanks Alicia, from the mama. We watched The Young Victoria and I got home about 8pm

Jeez, where have the days gone?

Friday, I went to work with Pam in her salon and then did some of my bookkeeping work. About 4 I went over to Tim's and typed in his list of names and phone numbers into his laptop. Anybody else need help, call me.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Whew, been working all day

on my bookkeeping. Making some good progress. And I went and sat on my couch and read for a while Hee Hee. Took the covers off my Futon and posted it on Craigs List. It's really in good shape. Should be able to get $250, I hope. It sold new for $1,000

April 28 I made up for Tuesday today!!

First, Corky is gone now, same as Sally. I'm fine and life should get easier. He was a blessing, that little guy, but the last year he got really aggressive and you can't clean up all that mess behind a screaming, biting beast. Remember him fondly please.

That said, I loaded up his cage into my car trunk! Took it to the pet store in San Dimas, sold it. Then went to meet Tim at his house. From there we went to pick up Jimmy from school and headed on over to Burbank to pick up my new couch. I LOVE IT!! Well we had to wait until 8pm to pick it up so we went to IKEA and had Swedish Meat Balls (yum) then we walked the store and enjoyed all the pretties. I had my shape ups on. We finally loaded up the couch and headed home, stopped at Tim's for the furniture dolly, went to my home and Tim unloaded the couch and wheeled it to my place and I helped him get it through the door and situated. It looks beautiful just like a "regular" persons front room.

I didn't get finished until 10pm. I soaked in the tub and collapsed on my bed.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oops! Missed my walk Tuesday

I gave up milk and WOW

Like I didn't know I'm lactose intolerant. What's the matter with me/people? I've known it for 40 years and still ignore it. Well now I'll remember and it's not a sacrifice I love the Silk Vanilla. My stomach has really gone down; not so much bloat there. I'm feeling really well and I go to the ENT to clear out my sinuses and my ear canals I hope...I know, I know you think it's about time I got a brainwash. Harumph!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My eating plan

I am way overweight from my recent depression and stress. I am now taking a stand! I am eating fruits and vegetables, fish, chicken, olive oil, raw nuts (which I love) no more bread except sprouted grain breads; butter; eggs; avocadoes (a real sacrifice here). So if you see me eating something not good for me, remind me. I don't want to cause hassle at parties though, so I'll eat what I'm served. Thanks for being there to help me.

April 20 walked 1.2 mile

April 18 - walked 1 mile

April 16 - walked 2 mi

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1.2 miles today I parked my car at Pam's house and walked to her salon. That will be a regular for Tues
I returned the vacuum attachment BUT they didn't have the right size on and on it goes

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm going to Sears again to return the attachment I purchased from a list provided with the vacuum because it doesn't fit. Can't anything be easy??

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Walk Record

4/16/10 2 miles
4/18/10 1 mile